Cremation Urns Ashes

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Cremation Urns History

History of Cremation Urns

Cremation urns dates back to stone-age and scholars believe that it originated in Europe and the near east. The tradition of holding ashes in urns spread across northern Europe during the end of stone age. The tradition of cremation urns and its importance gradually became part of most of the civilizations across Europe and was adopted by some famous civilizations like Roman Empire, Greeks and Mycenaean age. Romans used to build collective tomb known as Columbarium for keeping cremation urns.

With the advent and spread of Christianity, cremations of dead bodies were replaced by burials and cremation urns were considered against religious sentiments. However, cremation during this time was still practiced to avoid spread of plague due to mass dead bodies fallen in war or by diseases.

In modern times cremation came back in fashion with foundation of several cremation societies and with invention of new and dependable urns and cremation methods. Also, with paucity of burial land cremation was considered as a new alternative. Cremation urns in modern days range from expensive to discount versions and are available for child, adults and even pets. The modern urns are available in different materials like marbles, bronze, brass and glass. One can also get custom made urns.